Hi there

My name is Rudy Verpaele. Born in Belgium 1965 and living around Brussels. I'm a consultant specialized in Business transformation & improvements, this with focus on Information Technology, people change management and getting projects back on the rails. My hobby's are MAX/MSP programming, making music with Wind Controllers and running in the fields with my two dogs.

I'm a type of guy that sets a target and goes for it until the goal is reached, preferable together with a team of creative and solution oriented people. My passion is Sound Design, innovation and learning new things. I own some great synths and spend a considerable amount of my private time listing and making music.

The VL70m was a synth module with a secondary place in my studio, this because it had too much secrets for me. I do not like to own something that I do not know in detail, therefore I started to search for information on the VL70m. Gradually I got enough details to start building a new powerful editor that unlocks the full potential of this great Physical Modelling Synth, the VL-Wizard software was born.

This website is dedicated to the VL-Wizard software. The VL-Wizard is the "swiss knife" you are looking for to unlock all sonic possibilities of your VL70m. You can download a free demo to check it out.

Rudy Verpaele